Our Values

These aspects of ministry are the foundational principles that drive and guide us as a church.


Grounded in God’s Word

The Bible is our foundation and we believe it has not lost an ounce of relevance or power to change our lives. We endeavor to take the truth of God’s Word and accurately apply it to the time we live in, in an uncompromising fashion, without hesitation, yet with sensitivity and with practical application.


Deliberate in Evangelism

As a church, we are called to reach people with the message of Christ in our community, in our nation, and throughout the world. We live eager to share it with all who are lost in both a personal and public manner. 


Passionate in Worship

We are committed to having a corporate worship experience that invites His presence—one that is full, vibrant, and rich with the adoration of God. We do this to honor Christ and inspire every believer to live a lifestyle of private worship, where every day is filled with healthy and wholesome devotion.


Reliant On Prayer

We can never accomplish what God calls us to do without time with Him. Our church is edified through prayer and our relationship with Him and His impact in the world around us finds its source in prayer.


Growing Spiritually

We have not arrived—not as a church and not as individuals. We commit ourselves to continued discipleship in community—as we grow and mature best when our lives intersect each other. Our preaching, teaching, groups, classes, and personal devotion all find their foundation on God’s Word and keep us on the Potter’s wheel to be shaped by Him.


Building the Family

We desire to be a church that ministers to all ages, building healthy, strong individuals, families, and ultimately the family of God by creating and fostering a multigenerational experience with opportunities for real connection and mentoring that ministers to the “whole person”—spirit, soul, and body.


Practicing Generosity

As God has given us so much, we count it our privilege to support His work and bless others. We live recognizing Christ as our source, as we joyfully tithe and give time, talents, and offerings to support His work and impact the world around us.