Welcome Back!

We are no longer requiring registration for in-person Worship Services. If you are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, and you've not been in contact with anyone that has COVID-19, and have remained in the country for the last 14 days, we'd love for you to join us for in-person services.

Not ready to join us in person? 

Join us live online every Wednesday and Sunday.

 Join us Online


Do I need to sign up to attend a service?

No. We are no longer requiring registration for in-person services. 

What times will service be held?

In-person service will be held at 9:00AM only. Service will still be streamed live. You may also view a live stream of the 11:30AM service as usual.

What time should I arrive?

Doors will open 1 hour prior to service. In order to streamline the check-in process and start on time to honor those who are unable to attend in person, please plan to be on campus at least 30 minutes early.

Will I need to wear a face covering?

Yes. Everyone in attendance will be required to wear a mask while on campus.

Can I sit with my family?

Yes, you will be able to sit with your family. 

Will I have an assigned seat, or can I sit where I want?

To maximize seating for everyone in attendance, you will be able to select a seating section based on the number of family members sitting with you during registration. Our hosts will guide you to your section.

Will the nursery be available?

The nursery will not be open during the 1st phase of reopening.

Will Kidz Citi, Middle School or Teens return to in-person?

All youth ministries will continue online during the first phase of reopening.

Will there be a separate room for parents with kids?

We will be offering a mother’s room/family room. In this room, there will be a video screen with a live feed of the worship service and a changing table. If you or your child needs a moment apart from the large gathering, you are welcome to use the mother’s room.

Will an offering basket be passed?

Offering baskets will not be passed during the service.

Will there be communion?

When we observe communion, it will be done with pre-wrapped (at the manufacturer) bread/juice cups. These pre-wrapped bread/juice cups will be distributed to each seat by a face-covered staff member or volunteer before the service begins.

Will there be coffee/tea/food?

At this time, we will not be offering coffee/tea or food to avoid people touching the same surfaces.

Is hand sanitizer available?

Hand sanitizing stations will be made available at various places throughout the sanctuary.

Will I have to open doors to get into the building?

All entry/exit points will be propped open so people may enter and exit without touching door handles. We’ve also installed devices on the bathroom doors that allow you to open the door without touching it.

How will the church be cleaned during and after services?

The church will be cleaned and sanitized before and after service. The church will also be machine sprayed with sanitizer for germ prevention.

How will the restrooms be cleaned?

In addition to our added cleaning and sanitizing before services, our facilities team will continue to clean the restrooms during service.

Will the online services continue?

The live stream of the full service will continue for the foreseeable future.

Will church staff and volunteers wear face coverings?

All church staff and volunteers will wear face coverings on Sunday mornings unless they are on stage.

Kids Classes