Gone Too Soon
Jan 31 3:17 AM

Gone Too Soon

Jan 31 3:17 AM
Jan 31 3:17 AM

David had not yet been crowned king when he heard the news that both King Saul and his dearly beloved friend Jonathan had been killed in battle.

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Jan 5 12:48 AM


Jan 5 12:48 AM
Jan 5 12:48 AM

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:14

Have you ever heard the saying, “Pressure will burst a pipe”? For those of you who have never heard this saying, it’s a metaphor that suggests that when you’re carrying a lot of stress, feeling overwhelmed with the excess negative weight of life, and not taking care of yourself, the pressure of life can break the strongest person down. Applying enough pressure to the strongest substance can break it down and crush it. However, today we are talking about a different kind of pressure.  Rather than being pressed down by pressure from life, we will see that applying pressure to life, with God’s goals in mind, can build up even the weakest among us.

Generally, when you go to the hospital for any medical condition, it doesn't matter if it’s a major or minor concern; taking your blood pressure will always be one of the first things that the attending nurse will do. The goal in checking your blood pressure is to see if it’s high, low, or what medical providers deem a good pressure reading. This is one of their first protocols, because the status of your blood pressure has a significant influence on how your medical team will move forward with providing for your care. Your blood pressure levels are extremely vital for determining your overall well-being, as well as how doctors perform necessary steps to help you get well. A good pressure reading assures doctors that although it may be something wrong with your body, your current blood pressure suggests that it’s not fatal.

This is why the Apostle Paul encourages us to PRESS, with a specific goal in mind.  The goal is what the Apostle called ‘the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:14).  This high calling is living in the fullness of our redemption and salvation.  In essence, living a fulfilled and complete spiritual life.  This full and complete life includes a universal aspect, as well as a personal aspect.  Universally, there is a high calling of spiritual maturity and wholeness in our walk with God.  Personally, there is the unique high calling of God’s specific will and plan for your life.  When we press towards that, we extend every measure of our faith and confidence in God, and our total dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit to navigate us through the waters of life’s ups and downs in order to bring us to God’s perfect will for our individual life.

The level of pressure you apply towards being who God has called you to be, and experiencing the life that God has determined for you, will determine your success in reaching his goals for your life, even in the midst of the many difficulties you and I so often face. Much like a good blood pressure, strong pursuit of God keeps us in peace, when life seems to be falling apart.  Just as exercise, healthy eating, and proper rest keeps our blood pressure at a good reading; digging into the word of God, praying daily, and standing on His promises keeps our life in a proper and healthy relationship with God.

Maintain a good pressure in seeking the upward call of God, and watch God bless you with a prize you will not have room enough to receive.


Father, although life sometimes gets hard, we know You are a way maker. Give us the will and the fortitude to push past the issues of life that often causes us to become stagnant, that we may obtain the promise you have stored up for us. We thank you for your promise to give us an expected end, which is good, and not evil. In Jesus name, AMEN.


“Win your first hour, win your day.”

  • Start your day with prayer and worship.
  • Stretch your faith everyday by meditating in the Word of God
  • Exercise your faith each day by actively turning over every challenge you face to the will and power of God.


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